The Phoenix and the Firebird

by Alexis Kossiakoff and Scott Forbes Crawford

A bullet-riddled train staggers into a Chinese station in 1920, and Lucy discovers that her father, a Russian officer, has been kidnapped. A mysterious feather guides her into a dangerous realm of magic and monsters to rescue him. But she knows she can’t take on the quest alone. With her friend Su, a girl as quick with words as with her fists, the two uncover the terrifying truth: a notorious warlord has seized Lucy’s father. Worse, he is about to invade their city. The friends brave the criminal underworld, cross a haunted forest, and outsmart creatures they thought lived only in fairytales. But will their wits and bravery be enough to beat the warlord’s army of human soldiers and magical beasts?

Soar into a grand adventure, a world of Chinese and Slavic myths… into the world of The Phoenix and the Firebird.

The Phoenix and the Firebird by Alexis Kossiakoff and Scott Forbes Crawford

Image © 2024 by Dinara Mirtalipova

“With cinematographic crispness, this romantic vision of a distant time and culture conjures up a tale of friendship, family, and magic ... I was enchanted.”
— Gregory Maguire, author of Wicked
“A joy from start to finish! The world was brilliantly imagined, the plot filled with excitement and I loved the fusion of Chinese and Russian folklore. A vivid and exciting adventure story—kids will love it!”
— Abi Elphinstone, author of Sky Song
“A Peking caught between an imperial city and a new republic; a world where harsh reality mingles with myth and magic. Warlords, exiled Russians, gangsters, a child in search of her father. There are worlds within worlds in old Peking - real and imagined. Kossiakoff and Crawford bring them all together and to life.”
— Paul French, New York Times bestselling author of Midnight in Peking and City of Devils
Scott Forbes Crawford - Novelist, Historian, Author

Scott Forbes Crawford

There is a Chinese saying, “One rarely regrets time spent reading books,” and though he has enjoyed various adventures in his life, books have given Scott Forbes Crawford many of his greatest joys.

When at age eight Scott moved with his family from Washington, DC to Tokyo, a new world of discovery and challenge opened to him. Enchanted by Japanese culture as a boy, the spell of foreign lands only deepened when as an adult Scott settled in Beijing, where he became an author (and a father).